Sunday, 13 June 2010

Wii news that caught me interest - w/c 6th June.

More news from around the internet that caught my interest, and saves you looking for it:

Michael Pacther.
Explains why he is always wrong about the Wii and how it will lose share to Move & Natal.

“…So I always thought Nintendo would respond to Natal and PS3 plus Move by having Wii HD ready when those two things launched. I’ve been wrong consistently and the reason I’ve been wrong is Nintendo doesn’t see the world the way I do. So the answer to your question why do I think it? Because it’s logical. The answer to your question, why hasn’t Nintendo done it? Because they don’t think it’s logical. And I don’t want to get in their heads, they are great business people, they run their company well, my view is this is something they should do.”

He also thinks that the Wii will lose market share when a good priced PS3/Move bundle is announced, so that Sony can tell Wii owners that they can upgrade to HD, with good games support and Blu-Ray. More likely shovelware in HD.

I have been a long time critic of Pacther. I think he is more about personality than substance, a desire to get noticed beyond his role as a market analyst. Nothing has changed. Of course Nintendo will lose market share in the future. That is simply to be expected and blind Freddie can see that. However, it won't be simply because of Move & Natal. He fails to truly understand that Nintendo owners buy Nintendo product for reasons beyond HD or Blu-Ray. They buy it for the 1st party titles and get the better games offered by other developers. Market share will shift because some, maybe many, Wii owners will get a PS3 to go along with their Wii, not instead of. The days of the single console family are long gone. People like to sample everything they can afford and justify.

Goldeneye Wii
Activision remake? The internet is outraged.

Nostalgia is a wonderful thing. So many people feel that Goldeneye was one of the great games of all time and a defining moment of FPS. I have the N64 game myself, but can't say I am a big fan. Now that all the rumours of this game being remade for the Wii (&DS) are circulating, the internet is mainly outraged. The Wii haters are out with their torches and pitchforks, storming your computer. Even good old Michael Pacther has an opinion (shock horror), and believes it will release to underwhelming sales.

Why do people care so much? The game, if real, will be just a game. Play it or don't. Most of the outrage will be that it is on the Wii. Not surprising really, just boringly predictable. The reason it would be on the Wii is simply because Activision own the rights to Bond and Nintendo own the rights to Goldeneye.

As for the game itself, the talk is 4 player split-screen and 8 player online. The gun shown looks pretty sweet and there is also talk of a gold classic controller. Eurocom and nSpace are talked about as developers. None of this excites me, but I will keep an open mind if and when it is released.

Shigeru Miyamoto
Mario must not be in too many games.

In an interview with CVG, Miyamoto spoke about the need to "protect" Mario from over use:

"Mario is a very important character in the Nintendo world and so we want him to appear in our titles," said Miyamoto.

"Indeed there are a lot of games to which he is well-suited. However if he appears in too many games then they will lose their uniqueness, and so with that we are very strict when choosing which games to have Mario feature in."

Personally, I think that as long as the project itself is great, it doesn't bother me too much, but having him drop into a basketball or skiing game like in the Gamecube era, was going too far. He is the star and a game should revolve around him, whilst being suited to the character that he is. As it is so far, I am yet to be completely disappointed in what he has been used for so far (that I own).

Sims 3 Wii.
What we should look forward too.

I have a lot of Sims games in my house - a lot. Thing is, I have never played one of them. That is more my daughters area of entertainment. Not satisfied with Sims 3 on the PC, it is now on the way to the Wii (as well as everything else). maybe this could be the one I finally give a decent try.

What is different from the PC game is that the building has been simplified. That is a good start, as I find all the detail of building on the PC tedious. You work with shells, or prefabricated buildings. You have direct control of your character with the analogue stick. The Sim creator is essentially as deep as the PC and you get different career choices, where you directly tell the character what to do, rather than passively watching them. If you are too lazy to do anything, they will get fired - just like in real life.

Multiplayer is something completely new. It sounds rather confusing, but with 4 people, it can take about an hour and requires a fair amount of interaction between the players. This may be something I can finally enjoy in a Sims game, as I can play along with my kids. The game should be released before the end of the year.

All the information you could and should want to know.

I am not going to do my little analysis of the news from this article. It is 6 pages and no summary could do it justice. If you are into this game, from the makers of Baten Kaitos (a great game that needs a new chapter) then you really should click on the link for an excellent read. This game should truly rock.

Nintendo Wii.
European sales hit 22 million and "the bubble has not burst".

The never ending demise of the Wii just rolls on, but now sales have past 22 million alone for Europe, about the same as the Gamecube for the entire world. European MD Laurent Fischer made the point that the Wii sold 20 million across the world last financial year.

Fischer said: "I think you just need to look at the facts to see this is not true - we achieved global sales of 20 million units of Wii in the last financial year alone."

"Our aim has always been to expand the gaming population and with European sales of Wii now over 22 million we have taken some steps towards achieving this. However, there are still many more people out there who have not yet experienced the fun of video games and we hope to continue to provide compelling reasons for these people to consider buying a Wii."

He also went on to point out that "core" Nintendo fans were still their priority.
"Nintendo fans have and always will be important to us. In the first half of last year there was a lack of strong software titles, however in the second half we had a much stronger offering with many games that appealed to our core audience."
When they stop making titles for their great franchises, I may be inclined to disagree.

This will never satisfy the haters as they are living for the death of the Wii. I have never seen so much ridiculous and irrational hate in all my 35 years as a gamer. Why would a success of the magnitude of the Wii trigger so much rabid behaviour?

Nintendo Wii 2.
Code name Wii Hi-Fi?

With so many rumours circulating around the eventual Wii's successor, you tend to just tune out all that white noise. Then something like this one comes along - Wii Hi-Fi. A HD Wii with the power of a 360. This blog is predicting an announcement at the end of E3 and a November 2011 release.

How likely is this? Most probably unlikely. Hi-Fi just doesn't really make any sense, unless I am missing something. Oh well, at least it had something different to all the other rumours.

Earth Seeker.
Now we know something about it.

Last week we could only guess what the game was. I was hoping RPG, but as it turns out, it is an action adventure. The story goes a little like this:
"The game kicks off on a post-apocalyptic Earth," Funamizu explained in a Famitsuinterview. "All the world's human heritage gets packed into a spaceship and evacuated off the planet, but the spaceship crashes into another planet and its cargo gets scattered all over the place. The ship's main computer is trying to recreate Earth's ecosystem on this planet, but the crash has affected it and it's producing all this messed-up plant and animal life instead, which is hugely impacting the land."

Then 1000 years later, the game starts off. Not much is known about how it will play, but the premise is very interesting. What doesn't sound good though, is that they are not concerned about a western release.
"I think it'd be a good thing for the industry if we took a moment to rethink what Japan's games should be doing," he told Famitsu. "There are gamers worldwide, of course, and making games to meet their needs certainly isn't a bad thing, but I feel like we're throwing out too many Japanese values and the uniqueness of our games along the way. A lot of Japanese kids don't even play games these days, right? I want to teach them again that games are a lot of fun, just like how our parents taught us when we were kids."
Doesn't fill me with confidence about ever getting to play it in English, which would be a shame.

That is all that interested me for this week. Next week - E3, so it is going to be a VERY BIG one. Have a great gaming week.

DS news that caught my interest - w/c 6th June.

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Saturday, 12 June 2010

Games I added to my collection - January 2010.

This could be a busy year for me in gaming. I do love a bargain and I do love a good game and the year of 2010 has taken off in a rather busy way. In the first month of the year, I have already accumulated 16 games. That is dedication to my enjoyment.

So, here is how it breaks down:
Games: 16 (New -12, Used - 4, Imported - 4)
Cost: $316 (Average - $20 a game)
DS: 6 games (5 new, 1 used) $139 (Average - $23 a game)
Wii - 3 games (All new, 1 imported) $92 (Average - $31 a game)
360 - 3 games (2 new, 1 used) $50 (Average - $17 a game)
PC - 3 games (1 new, 2 used) $15 (Average - $5 a game)
PSP - 1 game (1 new, 1 imported) $20 (Average - $20 a game)

This is the part where my Aspergers kicks in - I just love lists and statistics, they are my friends. I will just continue to add each new month to the last and progressively realise just how many games I purchased and how much money I have spent. I confidently predict that my bias in purchases will see the DS way out in front, followed by the Wii, 360, PSP, PC and PS3 and PS2.

Sid Meier's Civilisation III - PC
$3. Used. (Bargain Centre) - January.
Genre: Turn-based Strategy.
Released: 2001
Metacritic Average: 90 (Low - 70, High - 100)

In Civilisation III, you'll find new pathways to
explore and strategies to employ, greatly expanded diplomacy, more powerful combat, a
new trade system, new technologies, more powerful tools to build and manage your empire,
and the most detailed and beautiful art, animations and sound ever found in the genre.

About 6 months down the track, and to be honest, I haven't even instal led the game on my iMac (Windows partition), let alone play it. I have played some serious amount of time on Civilisation IV and truly love. Of course the graphics will be somewhat
reduced, but games like this are not about the graphics, they are about how fantastic and
challenging they are. More than anything, it is about seeing how great this one was and how it
still plays.

Street Fighter IV: Special Boxed Figurine Edition - Xbox 360
$25. New. Clearance (Harvey Norman) - January.

Genre: Fighting.
Released: 2009
Metacritic Average: 93 (Low - 67, High - 100)

Street Fighter IV features a mix of returning favourites such as Ryu, Ken, Chun-Li and Guile along with new characters created exclusively for this game such as Crimson Viper, Abel, El Fuerte, and Rufus. Characters and environments are rendered in high definition 3D, while the game is played in the classic Street Fighter 2D perspective with additional 3D camera flourishes. Six-button controls for the game return, with a host of new special moves and features integrated into the input system.

I do have Street Fighter for the SNES. However, as in all fighting games, I am not what you would call a fan. I remember being at an anime convention in 2009 and seeing the game being played competitively and thinking, "this doesn't look very entertaining for me". It is wildly popular though. I figured that at the right price I may enjoy it. I didn't enjoy the short time I spent with it. Nobody else in the house has even tried it, and they are both much better at fighting games than me. Only having a single controller, maybe it will be better when I finally purchase a second one and get my butt kicked every time by a human player.

Rome: Total War - Gold Edition (with Barbarian Invasion expansion) - PC
$7. Used. (Bargain Centre) - January.

Genre: Real Time Strategy
Released: 2004
Metacritic Average: 92 (Low - 78, High - 100)

A completely new Total War engine uses innovative technology and groundbreaking design to bring the world of ancient Rome to life to deliver the biggest and most cinematic battles ever seen in a videogame. So the battles in Rome: Total War maintain the epic scale that fans of Total War are used to, but now use high-detailed 3D polygonal troops and allows huge cities to be displayed on the battlefields. The result is truly spectacular.

Yet another game I have yet to load onto the computer. Another game on my list to eventually try out.

Fable II - Xbox 360
$15. Used. (Bargain Centre) - January.

Genre: Action, Role Playing Game
Released: 2008
Metacritic Average: 89 (Low - 63, High - 100)

Set 500 years after the original, Fable II provides gamers with an epic story and innovative real-time gameplay, including a massive amount of freedom and choice to explore a vast collection of dungeons, catacombs and caves in the world of Albion. Fable II expands upon the scope and depth of the Xbox classic by adding incredible new features and creating a wider, more complex kingdom of limitless choices and consequences.

I have the original Xbox game and in all honesty, didn't enjoy it all and that explains buying it cheap and used. I was willing to give the sequel a try and I really want to like it. It hasn't completely worked out that way though. The towns look nice, but the humans look ordinary and uninteresting, plus it just isn't engaging me. Still, maybe I will persist one day and get further into it.

Defcon: Everbody Dies - PC
$5. New. Clearance (Harvey Norman) - January.

Genre: Simulation, Real Time Strategy
Released: 2006
Metacritic Average: 84 (Low - 60, High - 90)

Inspired by the 1983 cult classic film, "Wargames," DEFCON superbly evokes the tension, paranoia and suspicion of the Cold War era, playing on the fascinating aspects of psychological gameplay that occur during strategic nuclear warfare. You play a General hidden deep within an underground bunker. Your mission is to successfully exterminate your enemy's civilian population whilst saving your own. Points are awarded or lost depending on both the efficacy and thoroughness of your nuclear vendetta and the number of your own civilian deaths. In order to win you must wipe out the enemy population and simultaneously disable the enemy's ability to retaliate against you.

As is this case for the other PC titles, I am yet to load this game into the iMac, so I have no idea what it is like yet.

Wii Music - Wii
$47. New. Clearance (EB Games) - January.

Genre: Music
Released: 2008
Metacritic Average: 63 (Low - 25, High - 91)

Wii Music includes many other modes besides the main band jams, including several musical games and an enhanced video playback mode for recorded jams. Play it again: Use the playback mode to see your jam recordings brought to life with dramatic camera angles. Pick up the baton: Command an orchestra in the conducting game where you’ll wave the Wii Remote controller like a conductor’s baton to lead a Mii orchestra through orchestrated music. Make them play quickly, slowly, strongly or gently.

This game generated a lot of heat, but I had faith in Nintendo. It wasn't overly well placed. Whilst not worthy of the hate, I couldn't really get into it at all. maybe it will grow on me.

Midnight Club: Los Angeles - Xbox 360
$10. New. Clearance (Harvey Norman) - January.

Genre: Racing, Driving
Released: 2008
Metacritic Average: 81 (Low - 60, High - 93)

Whether driving by the beach or beating the competition by cutting through a parking garage at 200 mph, Midnight Club: Los Angeles provides a seamless, breathtaking environment for everyone who loves to compete. With no load times, no tracks, and no rules, the game allows players to race who they want, when they want, and where they want in an unbelievable recreation of Los Angeles. A racing game is nothing without the great cars and Midnight Club: Los Angeles allows extensive customisation of vehicles for both performance and appearance.

I thoroughly enjoy racing games. I haven't played a lot of this yet, but what I have looks and plays well. It kind of gets lost to time with Forza though.

Korg DS-10 Synthesiser - DS
$24. New. Clearance (Harvey Norman) - January.

Genre: Music
Released: 2008
Metacritic Average: 82 (Low - 60, High - 96)

Designed after the famous KORG MS-10 music synthesiser, KORG DS-10 is a music-creation programme for professional and aspiring musicians alike. The sound sources in the KORG DS-10 come from KORG, one of the world’s top musical instrument producers, and no effort was spared in the replication of creating high-quality sounds. The Nintendo DS’s touch-screen controls are utilised to the fullest to provide an authentic feel and operability across a dual-screen layout that is unsurpassed in portable music creation.

I mainly bought this "game" thinking my younger, musically talented daughter would get a kick out of it. She hasn't really touched it and I could do little more than just get sounds out of it. Certainly one that will require some time and effort to get something from it.

LifeSigns: Surgical Unit - DS
$20. New. Clearance (KMart) - January.

Genre: Puzzle, Simulation
Released: 2007
Metacritic Average: 61 (Low - 40, High - 85)

Live the exciting life of a young, motivated doctor in this simulation game where you will find out what it is like to examine, diagnose and operate on patients. With the unique features of the DS, you will use authentic medical techniques and instruments to take pulse rates, make incisions and much more.

I haven't played it at all. My daughter gave it a try, but moved on to other games quickly. One day, maybe I will give it a proper try.

Lux-Pain - DS
$20. New. Clearance (KMart) - January.

Genre: Adventure
Released: 2009
Metacritic Average: 48 (Low - 20, High - 85)

Lux-Pain is set in historical Kisaragi City, a town plagued by mysteries from small mishaps to murders - with no logical explanation as to why these events occur. It seems "Silent", a worm born through hate and sadness, has infected humans and forced them to commit atrocious crimes. The hero's parents, Atsuki, are victims of such crimes. To avenge his parents, Atsuki goes through a dangerous operation to acquire Lux-Pain in his left arm, a power so strong that his left eye turns golden when using it to seek and destroy Silent for good.

This game has quite a bad average review score, yet quite a a startling variation of 20 to 85. Whilst I haven't tried it, my daughter played the entire game over a weekend and thoroughly enjoyed it. So much for reviews. I decided to try it because it looked quirky and different, choosing to look past the bad reviews and see the better ones.

MadWorld - Wii
$25. New - imported NTSC. (playasia) - January.

Genre: Third Person Action
Released: 2009
Metacritic Average: 81 (Low - 42, High - 94)

MadWorld is a game with highly stylised black and white graphics, over-the-top violence and visceral action which incorporating a layer of unexpected, irreverent comedy that makes the experience unlike any other. In MadWorld, Varrigan City is under siege by a terrorist group simply known as "The Organisers." They have isolated its citizens from the rest of the world, and have turned the city into a bizarre and twisted game show environment called "Death Watch." In this game of survival, all the citizens have become reluctant contestants and they are pitted against unknown enemies in the ultimate battle of life or death, where only the strongest will prevail. As Jack, players make their way through the various levels and environments in Varrigan City, crafting clever traps and using various weapons – chainsaws, street signs, and daggers, to name a few – to destroy enemies who threaten their lives.

I took a while to try this out, as it had an update, and I wasn't sure how it would affect Homebrew - it didn't. The game looks great and is fun, but in the end, the fighting over and over isn't really my thing, even with "Bender" as a voice in the background.

Rondo of Swords - DS
$30. New - imported. (playasia) - January.

Genre: Strategy, Role Playing Game
Released: 2008
Metacritic Average: 69 (Low - 50, High - 84)

Rondo of Swords combines an epic narrative, complete with a branching story and multiple endings, with an innovative combat mechanic that takes advantage of the DS touch screen and forces you to add even more strategy and planning to your attacks. Route Manoeuvers allow you to hit all enemies in your path and enhance your attack or defence, while managing your Momentum Counter to gain stat bonuses and control who your enemies target becomes critical to success!

My first try at this was a shambolic mess. I honestly had no idea what the hell was going on. Then I read the instructions - then it made sense. I haven't played enough to pass judgement, but it seems to be worth some effort. It will find it had to compete against Fire Emblem or Final Fantasy for my time though.

Jeanne D'Arc - PSP
$20. New - imported. (playasia) - January.

Genre: Strategy, Role Playing Game
Released: 2007
Metacritic Average: 87 (Low - 70, High - 100)

The Jeanne d'Arc story begins far in the past, when a great war was waged by mankind against demonic armies attempting to invade the human world. During that time, five brave heroes created armlets to restrain the demon gods. In a quest to turn back the rueful army, a young crusader named Jeanne is commanded by mysterious voices to use the power of the magical armlet to seal away the demon king and recover her homeland once and for all. Set among sprawling fields, battle-torn villages, and intricate dungeons, Jeanne d'Arc unfolds through more than 40 expansive and highly detailed environments, where players will engage in the pursuit of France's resurgence. Players control up to 14 characters throughout the journey, including humans and beasts, as they battle a variety of enemies in the quest to turn back the English domination.

Yet another PSP game I haven't played. It is so hard for me to play PSP game, as I really never warmed to the PSP. I just don't like how it feels or controls. I keep believing that I will connect with it on every new game I get - hasn't happened. This does look good though.

Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume - DS
$30. New - imported. (playasia) - January.

Genre: Strategy, Role Playing Game
Released: 2008
Metacritic Average: 74 (Low - 50, High - 90)

The third entry in the Valkyrie Profile series. Wylfred was but a boy when the valkyrie claimed his father's soul and sealed his family's fate. In the agony of the aftermath the boy swore revenge, and now for the man, the time has come to reap it. To the valiant she comes, and so to the battlefield he goes. Destiny awaits.

I have the first 2 on PS2 and PSP and just like the DS one, I haven't played it. On my "to do" list.

Age of Empires: Mythologies - DS
$15. Used. (Bargain Centre) - January.

Genre: Turn Based Strategy
Released: 2008
Metacritic Average: 78 (Low - 60, High - 90)

Age of Empires: Mythologies is inspired by the Windows PC series Age of Empires and built on the Age of Empires: Age of Kings' game engine. Featuring three playable civilisations with individual campaigns - the Egyptians, Greeks and the Norse - Age of Empires: Mythologies allows players to lead mighty heroes and legendary monsters, call down divine powers of the gods, and change the tide of battle with an all-new active combat system.

I love the PC games and the first Age of Kings on the DS was excellent and got a lot of play. As good as this one actually is, I just seem to prefer Age of Kings. It just needs more time for me to get into it properly.

Dead Space: Extraction - Wii
$20. New. Clearance (KMart) - January.

Genre: On-rails Shooter, First Person Action, Adventure, Horror.
Released: 2009
Metacritic Average: 82 (Low - 60, High - 100)

Built from the ground up and developed exclusively for the Wii, Dead Space Extraction is a prequel that reveals the events leading up to Isaac Clarke’s mission on the USG Ishimura in the original Dead Space game released in 2008. Dead Space Extraction marries the innovative motion controls of the Wii Remote with a frenetic first person perspective to create a new action-packed horror experience. Dead Space Extraction tells the story of a handful of space colonists desperately struggling to escape from a horrific infection on the Aegis VII mining colony deep in the furthest regions of space.

I have never played Dead Space, so I come into this without previous experience, or bias. I haven't played very far into it, but what I have played is excellent. Using the hand cannons from House of Dead: Overkill fits perfectly. I really love these on-rails shooters, but HoD:O was such a great game, it was the one I went back to repeatedly. Still, I look forward to finishing it.