Sunday, 6 June 2010

DS news that caught my interest - w/c 31st May.

Looking back over the last week, this is the news on the DS that caught my interest:

DS game releases.

A list of games coming to the DS in NA in June.


DS Release List

  • Club Penguin: Elite Penguin Force: Herbert's Revenge - 1st of June
  • Diamond Trust of London – 1st of June
  • Horrid Henry – 1st of June
  • Wizardology – 1st of June
  • Nancy Drew Model Mysteries – 4th of June
  • Rooms The Main Building – 4th of June
  • Mega Man Zero Collection – 8th of June
  • Beat City – 11th of June
  • Playmobil Knights – 11th of June
  • 100 Classic Book Collection – 14th of June
  • Legend of Kay – 14th of June
  • Toy Story 3 – 15th of June
  • Yard Sale Hidden Treasures: Sunnyville – 15th of June
  • Shrek Forever After - 18th of June
  • America's Next Top Model – 22nd of June
  • Chuck E. Cheese's Party Games – 22nd of June
  • Dragon Ball: Origins 2 – 22nd of June
  • Puzzle Quest 2 – 22nd of June
  • TNA iMPACT! Cross the Line – 22nd of June
  • Transformers: War for Cybertron – 22nd of June
  • Wipeout: The Game – 22nd of June
  • Mean Girls – 24th of June
  • Bermuda Triangle – 25th of June
  • Lego Harry Potter – 29th of June
  • The Last Airbender – 29th of June
  • Runaway: A Twist of Fate – 29th of June
  • Vampire Legends: Power Of Three – 29th of June
  • Secret Files: Tunguska – 30th of June
That isn't a list that excites. In fact, I am interested in zero. The truly great games for the DS are now starting to thin out a little. No surprise really considering the age of the DS
and the impending launch of the 3DS. I am assuming that many developers are already working on new titles for the 3DS. I also expect to see the quality of the games coming to the DS head more and more towards what we see on the PS2 - very casual and mainly for the younger audience. Still, it has been one hell of a ride on the DS and the library is thebest of any in history in my opinion.

World's Biggest DS Party.
The Poms finally beat the Aussies at something.

At the London MCM Expo, 586 English fans smashed the Australian record of people playing the DS in a single location. It is also the biggest gathering of virgins in a single location - not really. Apparently, it is also the record holder of the most people in costume to a video game character, so maybe the virgin thing is right.

Considering there is maybe 40 million of these machines in Japan, how is it that they don't have the record? Oh well, as long as they were having fun and I have been known to go to Anime conventions, so who am I to speak.

New DSi XL colours and price drop in Japan.
DSi price in the UK.

If you are not hanging out foe the 3DS and didn't like to 2 rather sombre colours of the DSi XL, then Nintendo are putting some colour in your life. Although the Green, Yellow and Blue are only in Japan, you can guarantee they will eventually make it across the waters. I am rather fond of the Blue one myself, and despite the 3DS, I am still getting a DSi XL for my birthday in August.

There is also a price drop, plus a DSi price drop in the UK. This isn't unexpected for a console of this age and being so close to a replacement. It just makes good business sense.

Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem - Hero of Light & Shadow
Official site opens and Japan release soon.

In what can only be described as SUPER AWESOME for me, a new Fire Emblem is on the way. I say new, but I mean old. It is a remake of a Super Famicon game from 10 years ago.

I am told that there will be 4 difficulty levels - Normal, Hard, Maniac and Lunatic. Lunatic you say? I'm there. There is also a Casual mode for newbies, as the characters don't die, but regenerate. Fire Emblem is amongst the hardest and most challenging games there are, so a mode like that is a good thing for those just trying to get a handle on it.

You can also create your own character and there are 2 new stories in which the My Unit plays a large part. With wi-fi multiplayer on offer, this could be the best Fire Emblem game yet and that is saying a lot for me. Counting down the days has begun for this excited gamer.

Love Plus
Only in Japan, special edition schoolgirl on your DSi XL bundle.

The world of Japan is so far removed from our own world, and Love Plus shows how far apart it is. You can only imagine how the press and lobby groups would react if these games got a Western release. You can only imagine how creepy your friends and family would think you are for even owning it.

Thing is, I am actually curious to see what the hell these games are all about. Maybe we misjudge them. However, with no translation available, we may never know. This is a dating sim. Some fans take it way too far, including "marrying" a character. Those characters are Manaka, Rinko and Nene. Funny thing is, when I type Nene into my Mac translator in French, it says "tit". Yep, that's right.

Apparently these bundles come with a character doll. So I can see men buying all three versions and it being a runaway success. That is gaming in Japan for you and part of the reason I love it.

......... and that is it for gaming news on the DS that caught my interest this week. The very mention of a new Fire Emblem game has made my week alone. I hope you enjoyed reading, and feel free to add some comments and we will do it all again next week.


  1. It's not hard to agree, that list is pretty woeful apart from Zero Collection, which I will be getting.

    It's quite possible that some big DS titles in development (Okami and Na No Kuni etc), may have their development times extended in order to make them "Enhanced for 3DS".

    The DS XL price drop is a good move with the 3DS soon to be unveiled.

    I don't like any of those colours..If I do end up getting one, I'll most likely opt for the red wind or black n grey launch versions.

    MVC haven't said exactly how much they'll be dropping by. Currently, XL's are 150 Pounds :/. I think they need to come down to 130, while the standard DSi's need to come down to 110. Ideally, the standards should come down to 100, If Nintendo did, I'm confident that Nintendo could sell many this Christmas.

  2. PS: You can be sure Nintendo have a big DS game they'll unveil at E3. I can'[t wait to see what it is. I'm hoping it's a new Mario platformer.

  3. I only have a single MegaMan in my collection (other than a Japanese Rockman one) that I bought recently, but haven't played (StarForce Leo on the DS) it yet. Not sure why I haven't been into it, as it is wildly popular.

    I don't think great games will be gone completely for the DS, but it makes sense for developers to keep their eyes looking forward to the 3DS.

  4. I have a US copy of the Gamecube's Mega Man Collection, which I bought alongside a Datel Gamecube freeloader. I also have the first three NES games and all the VC games released so far. I don't own a single ZX or Battle Network game in the Megaman series, those games have never appealed to me, I only appreciate the platform shooters. If you liked Astroboy GBA, your bound to like them.

  5. I think a collection game may be a good starting point for me, be it this DS one or perhaps tracking down a Gamecube one.

  6. What's a DS. I'm hardcore console and PC dammit. Hard Core... I tell you.

  7. Oh Claude, you silly goose you :/

    It's a handheld device. No, not that one. Pay attention. It is a game console that you can play Mario Kart on, even in the toilet. It is awesome.
